The only absolute indication for thymectomy is if thymoma. In the absence of randomized studies, thymectomy is recommended in patients with generalized MG with thymic pathology timomatosa not because it increases the chances of improvement or remission in patients with MG. Thymectomy has been used in patients with ocular myasthenia unresponsive to other therapies, with remission rates of 6% to 50%. Some studies report a lower rate of generalization and in some cases the disease remission.

      Thymectomy is not recommended as first-line therapy in ocular myasthenia, but may be considered when other treatments fail in patients under 45 years with anti-AChR antibody positive. In the case of generalized MG thymectomy it is usually recommended for patients under 50 years with positive anti-AChR antibodies or double seronegative before inciar corticosteroid therapy, since in some series up to a third of patients have had clinical remission or symptomatic improvement. The indication of the thymectomies in patients with anti-MuSK is controversial.


– Assistive devices Assistive devices and surgery to remedy the ptosis or diplopia through raw or surgery of the eye muscles when strabismus persists for long term is an alternative to drug therapy should be discussed with the patient .

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