New software or applications are developed to improve feasibility of CTperfusion with independence CT machine or individual correction after acquisition. RAPID is a novedous system of analysis of CT perfusion that provides you exact volume of damage (core infarct) and mismatch (penumbra). It can help to standardise the method to figure out infarct core (irreversible damage) and according to this data and other as age of pacient, NIH score and segment of vessel occlusión evaluated to thrombectomy
iSchemaViem are working in RAPID to improve datas of CT perfusion. This software is based on several experienced centres treating stroke and many cases of stroke worldwide. Click and link here RAPID.
RAPID software provide important information about volume of damage and penumbra in real-time according with automatic analysis. (Information is standardised to several types of CT/MR equipes ). RAPID has been used in DAWN and DEFUSE-3 trials to improve selection of patients with unknown stroke onset.
RAPID can be used in MR studies. (DWI with volume of damage that represent cytotoxic edema or celular injury could provide us very significant information about stroke cases with unknown onset to predict patterns of viability tissue in the brain)